2. The Local Development Scheme 2022-2025
Documents set out in the Local Development Scheme
Adopted Development Plan Documents
Development Plan Documents in Preparation
Proposed Development Plan Documents
Links between Development Plans and Other Strategies
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
Supplementary Planning Guidance
2. This is the 2022 version of the Local Development Scheme (LDS) produced by Brighton & Hove City Council. This document replaces the previous version of the LDS that was published in 2020. The LDS sets out the programme for the production of Local Development Documents (LDDs) and other planning documents in Brighton & Hove over the next three years
3. Local Development Documents fall into three categories:
· Development Plan Documents (DPDs): DPDs are planning policy documents that form the development plan for the area.
· Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and;
· Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).
4. The council also produces this Local Development Scheme and the Authority Monitoring Report, which sets out annually the progress of adopting and implementing DPDs.
5. The development plan for Brighton & Hove consists of the City Plan Part One (2016), the Waste and Minerals Plan (2013), the Waste and Minerals Sites Plan (2017), and the Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (2019).
6. The City Plan Part Two is at a late stage of production and will form part of the development plan once adopted (expected in autumn 2022). Some policies in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan (2005) are saved until CPP2 is adopted and remain part of the development plan.
7. The adopted documents set out below form the statutory development plan for Brighton & Hove. Additionally, a number of policies in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan (2005) have been saved, and will continue to form part of the development plan for Brighton & Hove until replaced by new policies in the City Plan Part Two once adopted.
8. Development Plan Documents are an important mechanism in helping to deliver a number of Brighton & Hove’s citywide strategies. These include the economic, local transport, housing, community safety, climate change, tourism, sports and cultural strategies.
Adopted |
2016 |
Role and Subject |
To provide an overall strategic vision for development in the city to 2030. It sets out the priorities to meet the challenges of the future; and identifies the broad locations, scale and type of development, as well as the supporting infrastructure required, to 2030. |
Coverage |
Brighton & Hove, excluding the South Downs National Park |
Adopted |
2013 |
Role and Subject |
Sets out the vision, objectives and strategy for sustainable waste development and minerals production in the area and provides the policy framework for development control decisions. |
Coverage |
Brighton & Hove and East Sussex, including that part which falls within the South Downs National Park |
Adopted |
2017 |
Role and Subject |
Identifies sites which are potentially suitable for new waste management facilities whilst safeguarding existing waste management sites. It also safeguards railheads and wharves that could be used for bulk transport of waste and minerals. |
Coverage |
Brighton & Hove and East Sussex, including that part which falls within the South Downs National Park |
Adopted |
2020 |
Role and Subject |
To set out a vision, objectives, strategies, policies and detailed site allocations for Shoreham Harbour. Produced by the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Partnership which includes Adur District Council, Brighton & Hove City Council, Shoreham Port Authority and West Sussex County Council. |
Coverage |
Shoreham Harbour and South Portslade area |
9. The following documents are currently being prepared and will form part of the development plan for the city once adopted.
City Plan Part Two
Role and Subject |
This document complements the adopted CPP1 and includes additional site allocations and detailed development management policies. |
Coverage |
Citywide |
Stage |
Dates |
Scoping consultation |
Completed |
Reg 18: Draft plan consultation |
Completed |
Proposed Submission consultation (Reg. 19) |
Completed |
Submission of Plan to Government |
Completed |
Examination hearings |
Completed |
Consultation on Main Modifications |
Spring 2022 |
Inspector’s report |
Summer 2022 |
Estimated date for adoption by the council |
Autumn 2022 |
Waste and Minerals Local Plan Review
Role and Subject |
The Waste and Minerals Local Plan Review is principally intended to update some adopted minerals policies following representations made at the Public Examination of the Waste & Minerals Sites Plan in summer 2016. |
Coverage |
East Sussex and Brighton & Hove including part of the South Downs National Park |
Stage |
Dates |
Call for Sites / Content (Reg18) |
Completed |
Preferred Strategy Consultation |
Completed |
Pre-Submission Consultation (Reg 19) |
Winter 2021 |
Submission of Plan to Government |
Spring 2022 |
Public Examination |
Summer 2022 |
Estimated date for Adoption |
Winter 2022/23 |
10. The following documents are proposed, with substantive work yet to begin.
City Plan Part One Review[1]
Role and Subject |
A review of the updated City Plan Part One. Policies will be revised to take into account changes in national policy, local priorities and other changes in circumstance. |
Coverage |
Citywide |
Stage |
Date |
Assessment of Scope of Review |
Completed |
Evidence gathering |
2022 |
Early engagement and scoping |
2022-23 |
Preferred Strategy Consultation (Reg 18) |
Late 2023 |
Pre-Submission Consultation (Reg 19) |
Summer 2024 |
Submission of Plan to Government |
Late 2024 |
Public Examination |
2025 |
Adoption |
2025 |
11. The City Plan Part One reached five years since adoption in March 2021 and in line with national planning policy the council undertook an assessment of the need to review to the Plan. The outcome of this process was reported to Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee in March 2021, where the recommendation for a comprehensive review was agreed.
12. The timetable for the latter stages of the Review is subject to considerable uncertainty and may also be impacted by the nature of the expected forthcoming changes to the planning system. The Local Development Scheme will be updated appropriately should the timetable change.
13. The government published initial proposals for wholesale reform to the planning system and the Local Plan preparation process in the ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper in August 2020. The government’s response to the public consultation has not yet been published, and any reforms taken forward will not be implemented until primary and secondary legislation has passed through parliament and updates made to the National Planning Policy Framework. The outcome of this process may also affect the timetable and process for the review of City Plan Part One.
Full Review of the Waste & Minerals Local Plan
Role and Subject |
A comprehensive review of the Waste & Minerals Local Plan. Policies will be revised to take into account changes in national policy, local priorities and other changes in circumstance. |
Coverage |
Citywide |
Stage |
Date |
Evidence gathering |
2022-23 |
Preferred Strategy Consultation (Reg 18) |
Late 2023 |
Pre-Submission Consultation (Reg 19) |
Summer 2024 |
Submission of Plan to Government |
Late 2024 |
Public Examination |
Spring 2025 |
Adoption |
Autumn 2025 |
14. The East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste & Minerals Plan was adopted in 2013 with a plan period running to 2026/27. A targeted review of a small number of policies is currently underway with adoption of revised policies estimated for Winter 2022/23 (see above). A full review will then be needed in order to fully update the Local Plan. The timetable above is indicative and subject to review
15. When preparing all plans, the Council seeks to ensure that its proposals are integrated with, and complimentary to, a range of adopted policies and strategies.
16. Other strategies produced by the council that are considered in the preparation of DPDs include:
· Carbon Neutral 2030 Programme
· Housing Strategy
· Economic Strategy
· Visitor Economy Strategy
· Local Transport Plan
· Sustainable Community Strategy
· Health and Wellbeing Strategy
· Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy.
17. The Council also works closely with neighbouring local authorities to support the development of their LDDs and to ensure that cross boundary issues are dealt with effectively including, when required, making representations at Local Plan Examinations as part of the Duty to Cooperate.
18. SPDs listed below provide additional guidance and information relating to the implementation of policies contained in DPDs. They do not form part of the statutory development plan for the city but a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
Document Name |
Document Type |
Date Adopted |
Brighton Centre Design Framework |
SPD01 |
Jan 2005 |
Shopfront Design |
SPD02 |
Sep 2005 |
Construction and Demolition Waste |
SPD03 |
Mar 2006 |
Circus Street and Municipal Market Site |
SPD05 |
Mar 2006 |
Trees and Development Sites |
SPD06 |
Mar 2006 |
Advertisements |
SPD07 |
Jun 2007 |
Architectural Features |
SPD09 |
Dec 2009 |
London Road Central Masterplan |
SPD10 |
Dec 2009 |
Nature Conservation and Development |
SPD11 |
March 2010 |
Design Guide for Extensions and Alterations (updated) |
SPD12 |
Jan 2020 |
Shoreham Harbour Flood Risk Management Guide |
SPD13 |
Sep 2015 |
Parking Standards |
SPD14 |
Oct 2016 |
Toad’s Hole Valley |
SPD15 |
Sep 2017 |
Sustainable Drainage |
SPD16 |
Sep 2019 |
Urban Design Framework |
SPD17 |
June 2021 |
Hove Station Area Masterplan |
SPD18 |
November 2021 |
19. The table below shows the key milestones for currently programmed forthcoming SPDs as well as a description of each document. Further SPDs may be produced during the three-year period covered by this LDS subject to need and resources.
Description |
Public Consultation |
Proposed date for Adoption |
Nature Conservation |
To provide further detail on the interpretation and application of planning policies relating to nature conservation and biodiversity. |
February – March 2022 |
September 2022 |
Eastern Seafront Masterplan |
The preparation of a masterplan for the Eastern Seafront will help support high-quality, innovative regeneration through improving access, activation of the seafront, coherent place-making, environmental enhancement and protection of the world class heritage assets |
June - July 2022 |
September 2022 |
Brighton Marina Masterplan |
A masterplan to shape future development proposals in Brighton Marina |
tbc |
tbc |
Liveable City |
A framework for delivering a future city centre within the context of a post-covid environment, changes to the retail market, new transport measures and regeneration sites. |
tbc |
tbc |
20. Neighbourhood planning allows parish councils and neighbourhood forums to draw up a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for their area; once adopted, these plans become Development Plan Documents and guide decision-taking for the areas covered. Neighbourhood planning is community-led, with support provided by the Local Planning Authority. The timetable for preparing neighbourhood plans, and the primary resources for doing so, are the responsibility of the Parish Council or Neighbourhood Forum.
21. Five areas of the city are working towards the preparation of neighbourhood plans. These are summarised below:
· Hove Station – public examination commenced in January 2022 and is expected to take two to three months to complete.
· Rottingdean Parish Council – a draft plan was consulted on in Spring 2021.
· Brighton Marina – an application for re-designation of the Neighbourhood Forum was approved in November 2020. A draft plan is being prepared for regulation 14 consultation.
· Hangleton and Knoll – evidence gathering underway to inform a draft plan.
· Hove Park - evidence gathering underway to inform a draft plan.
· Coldean –in November 2021 the area was designated as a Neighbourhood Area and a Neighbourhood Forum was established
22. Further details can be found on the council’s website[2], where the progress of these plans is recorded and updated.
23. A number of Supplementary Planning Guidance documents linked to the adopted Brighton & Hove Local Plan are saved and remain material considerations in the determination of planning applications. The saved SPGs are listed in the table below.
Supplementary Planning Guidance Note and date |
Saved Policy in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan |
SPG02 |
External Paint Finishes and Colours – October 1998 |
HE1 Listed Buildings HE6 Development within or affecting the setting of conservation areas |
SPG10 |
King Alfred/RNR Site: Planning Brief |
HO1 Housing sites and mixed-use sites with an element of housing It was SR24 which has been replaced by SA1 |
SPG11 |
Listed building interiors – September 2003 |
HE1 Listed Buildings |
SPG15 |
Tall Buildings – January 2004 |
QD1-QD4 Design policies |
SPG19 |
Fire Precaution Works to Historic Buildings – May 2004 |
HE1 Listed Buildings |
SPG20 |
Brighton Marina – An Urban Design Analysis |
SR5 - Town and district shopping centres |
SPG21 |
Sustainability Checklist – May 2004 |
SU2 Efficiency of development |
24. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from certain types of new development for strategic infrastructure to support growth. The council published its adopted CIL Charging Schedule in May 2020 and implemented CIL charges from 5 October 2020. Further information is available on the Council’s website[3].
25. The performance of the council against the LDS timetable is monitored in the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR), published annually. on the council’s website.
26. The AMR provides information on the following:
· performance against the timetable as set out in the LDS;
· the effectiveness of saved policies;
· the effectiveness of new policies (in the future it may determine the timetable for review of local development documents);
· an up-to-date list of superseded and ‘saved’ policies;
· the effectiveness of the Statement of Community Involvement; and
· the amount of new housing currently being delivered and likely to be delivered in the future.
27. The information in the AMR is used to identify work priorities. The LDS will be reviewed as the need for further documents emerges and to ensure that a three-year programme is maintained.
Term |
Definition |
Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) |
An assessment of the progress against the LDS Includes a commentary on the performance of policies. Published annually. |
Area Action Plans (AAPs) |
These provide a planning framework to cover key areas of change or conservation. |
Background Documents |
Technical documents that inform the production of LDDs, for example an Urban Capacity Study. |
City Plan |
The City Plan is in two parts. Part One sets out the vision and spatial strategy for the area and addresses important spatial matters including housing, the economy, retail, community safety, tourism, transport issues, areas of regeneration and social infrastructure. A map illustrates the spatial vision for the city. Part Two of the City Plan will contain the remaining site allocations and detailed development management policies. |
Development Plan Documents (DPDs) |
The principal Local Development Documents. These are subject to statutory requirements, including submission to the Secretary of State, formal testing through an independent examination and a binding Inspector’s report. |
Independent Examination |
All DPDs are subject to independent examination by a planning inspector. The inspector carries out an assessment of the soundness of the document. |
Local Development Documents (LDDs) |
The collective term for all DPDs, SPDs and the SCI. |
Local Development Scheme (LDS) |
The document you’re reading now. This sets out a three-year rolling project plan for the preparation and delivery of the various LDDs. The purpose of the LDS is to inform the public about the production and function of Local Development Documents and the timescales they can expect for the preparation and review of these documents. |
Local Plan |
For clarity, used only to refer to the Brighton & Hove Local Plan 2005 (however, the NPPF glossary sets out the legal definition). |
Policies Map |
This shows existing and revised designations of areas of land such as conservation areas and development areas. It also defines the specific sites for particular future land uses or developments, and the areas to which policies apply. |
Site Allocations |
Particular sites in the city are allocated specifically for certain uses in development plan documents including housing, affordable housing, employment land, retail, leisure, social, health and education. They are shown on the policies map. |
Saved Plan |
Certain existing plans will be “saved”, that is they remain a material consideration as part of the development plan and are Local Development Documents, until replaced by policies in a new development plan document. |
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) |
Sets out how the community is to be engaged in the process of producing Local Development Documents and sets standards for involving the community in the preparation, alteration and continuing review of all local development documents. |
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) |
These are consistent with parent DPDs and provide additional guidance on how policies and/or specific site allocations are to be implemented. They are a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. |
Sustainability Appraisal |
Sustainability Appraisal is a systematic process to appraise the social, economic and environmental effects of the strategies and policies of a planning policy document. It must be applied to Development Plan Documents and should incorporate the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. |